Starasz się o pracę w Anglii w czasie wakacji na podstawie ogłoszenia w gazecie. Napisz list-podanie o pracę do potencjalnego pracodawcy:
- określ o jaką pracę się ubiegasz i skąd o niej wiesz
- opisz swoje doświadczenie i sukcesy w pracy podobnego typu
- podaj przynajmniej dwie cechy które sprawią że dobrze się nadajesz do tej pracy
- określ swoją znajomość angielskiego i podkreśl umiejętności praktycznego posługiwania się tym językiem

Prosiłabym o zawarcie tych wszystkich punktów i pracę bardzo dobrą :) oferuje za nią aż 20punktów gdyż zależy mi na profesjonalnej pracy. PILNE !!!

Odpowiedź :

☑ In order to create an excellent covering letter, one is obliged to abide by the following rules:

→ it is a good concept to write your cover letter along with the curriculum vitae constructing,

→ we are not allowed to use any kind of contractions,

→ we use formal language vocabulary, expressions,

→ we do not tend to use idioms, collocations, phrasal verbs, they are deemed informal,

→ we ought to stick to one language version, typically British [e.g. "Mr" - BrE] or American English [e.g. "Mr." - AmE],

→ we need to remember about the pivotal differences between "Yours faithfully" [it's when we do not know a recipient's surname and start the letter with "Dear Sir or Madam"] and "Yours sincerely" [it's when we do know a recipient's surname, then, we start the letter with "Dear Mr Brown", for example,

→ we have to highlight the most significant aspects of our previous work experience, schooling, additionally, we could also name certificates, and diplomas we hold, and that might be decisive,

→ we should express our profound interest in the job we are applying for, the passion, devotion, and foregoing involvement are of utmost importance to the employer, and habitually it influences our efficiency, which is taken into consideration while choosing the candidate,

→ it is worth mentioning our broadly developed communication skills, group interactions capabilities, and soft skills in general,

→ we attach the clause on personal data protection [in some countries it is not permitted], references, and the curriculum vitae,

→ finally, we should go through our covering letter once again and make sure it will be us who will get the job. :)

An exemplary covering letter in English:

✎ Dear Sir or Madam,

in response to the advertisement that has recently been published at your official website, I would like to apply for the Community Manager position at your esteemed startup company.

I have completed an additional computer science course. I am a twenty-three-year-old graduate student. I graduated in English from the Jagiellonian University. The English language has always engaged my attention. Therefore, that field of study has unalterably been perceived by me as a question of the first magnitude and the level of proficiency I have managed to master is C2 which is a nearly native-speaker level. I have also worked as a lecturer at a language school and I have been hailed as the finest employee of the year. More importantly, I hold a Certificate of Proficiency in English.  

I believe I would be well-suited for the position of the Community Manager. I have been a part of your online community for the past six years. Consequently, I have managed to gain precious experience. I consider myself to be dependable and conscientious which would make me an excellent employee. 

I think the aforementioned reasons will make me an ideal candidate for the job. I have enclosed a copy of my CV. I would be pleased to send you my references.

I hope you will give my letter your urgent attention.

I look forward to receiving your response at your earliest convenience.

Yours faithfully,


Pozdrawiam serdecznie/Kind regards

Idczak Marcin

Praca podlega ochronie prawnej w zakresie ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych z dnia 4 lutego, 1994 roku, rozdział 14, Art. 115., Art. 116., Art. 117.