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Hi Declan,
Thanks for sharing your diary notes. I can see where your problem is. The good news is there are things you can do. You need a better diet and to go to bed earlier. Having a bad diet and not exercising are really bad for our health. If we don't eat (not eat) healthy food for a long time, we start (start) to have health problems. For example, if we eat (eat) too much fatty food and not many vegetables, we feel (feel) tired and sick. We all need to eat four or five servings of fruit and vegetables every day, unless we are (be) on a special diet. On top of that, we need to be interested in what we eat, so we need variety.
If we go (go) to bed late, we don't get (not get) good quality sleep. So we can sleep for nine hours, but wake up feeling tired. It's also important what you do before you go to sleep. Watching action films on tablets or laptops isn't good. It isn't relaxing. Researchers have found that if we watch (watch) a screen before bedtime, it is (be) more difficult to sleep.
A question a lot of people ask is 'If we exercise, don't need (we need) a good diet and to go to bed early?' The short answer is yes, we do. Exercise helps improve our health, but only if we are eating and sleeping well.
From Dr Lena.
Zerowego trybu warunkowego używamy do mówienia o czymś, co na pewno się stanie, jeśli dany warunek zostanie spełniony.
Zdania w zerowym trybie warunkowym tworzymy w następujący sposób:
if + present simple + present simple
If you heat water, it boils.