Hi Patrick,
Thanks for your message - it was amazing to find out about your environmental project! Good job getting that prize! I'm sure it took a long time to finish your project. I was wondering what exactly was it about? I'm really curious! What was your role in the project making group? Hmm.. maybe the title creator? Were you the one who gathers informations or maybe the one who finds pictures for the project? I'm planning to take part in a competition too, but since I lack art skills I decided to take part in a competition that tests your knowledge about the environment. I'm currently preparing for it and it goes pretty well. I'm a bit nervous, but I'm sure It'll be fine!
Mam nadzieję, że mniej więcej o to chodziło. W razie ewentualnych błędów proszę pisać w komentarzach. Pozdrawiam :D