Reading Przeczytaj teksty. W zadaniach 1-2 z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz właściwą, zgodną z treścią Use 그 tekstów. Zapisz odpowiedzi w zeszycie. A quick question from my mum about tomorrow. Do you want beef stew or pork chops for lunch? Please answer as soon s possible because she wants to go to the supermarket at one o'clock. Are you going to stay for a couple of hours after lunch? What time are you coming tomorrow? About 1:00? We usually eat lunch very late, at about 3:00. Is that OK with you? We can go to the park before or after lunch, so you can decide the time we eat. 1 Both texts are about A. making lunch. B. meeting for lunch. C. activities after lunch. David, 1 can you go to the supermarket and get some? And some potatoes too. 2. Is your bicycle OK? If not, you can go on the bus. Thanks! 3 I got some beef and pork at the market today, but there wasn't any broccoli. 4 Grandma is here for dinner tonight and tomorrow. Mum 2 The correct order of the sentences in the message is A. 4-1-2-3. B. 2-1-3-4. C. 4-3-1-2.