Napisz o swoich przewidywaniach na przyszłość, uwzględnij: szkoły, środowisko, samochody, rozrywkę, podróże, życie domowe. minimum 100 słów. Na szybko daje naj po angielsku

Odpowiedź :

I think, in the future will be lots of computers at schools. Students will note in computers. Students won't have break, but they will have match football or they will watch Harry Potter. Bus and cars will fly. Bike will drive 230 kilometres in hour. Plane will be fly in three seconds. People won't use ships. Air is dirty, because people don't take care this. Grass will be dry. The water will be black. People will have cinema at home. Aquaparks will be at every home. They will have the best house. Every Person will travel to London, Paris and all expensive town. All day people will sleep. People won't tidy our rooms, vacuum cleaner do it. Women won't clean, because robots will clean all home. I want to live in this time.