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Prosze O Wykonanie Zadania 2 3 4 Oraz 5 Jak Wam Sie Będzie Chciało Oraz Prosze O Sprawdzenie Zadania 1 Za Odpowiedź Daje 1000 Punktów Oraz Naj Z Góry Dziękuje class=

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2. wasn't

3. wasn't

4. they were

5. she was

6. weren't


2. Was Oliver happy yesterday?

No, he wasn't

3. Were...

Yes, we were

4. Were...

No, they weren't

5. Was...

Yes, I was

6. Was...

Yes, she was


2. Were the muffins in the fridge yesterday?

Yes, they were

3. Were the muffins good yesterday?

Yes, they were

4. Were the muffins next to the eggs yesterday?

No, they weren't

5. Were the muffins next to the pizza yesterday?

Yes, they were


2. Was there a funny film at the cinema?

Yes, there was

3. Was there a cat in the park?

No, there wasn't


1. Were you at school yesterday?

No, I wasn't

2. Was your friend at the shops last Sunday?

No, she wasn't

3. Were you and your family on holiday last week?

No, we weren't

4. Were your parents at home last night?

Yes, they were

5. Was it sunny yesterday?

Yes, it was