proszę o pomoc, dopasuj wyrazy do ich definicji

administer – podawać, stosować (lek)

anaesthesia – znieczulenie

associate’sdegree – tytuł zawodowy uzyskiwany w tzw. community colleges w USA, poniżej licencjatu

available – dostępny

bachelor’sdegree – licencjat

cattle – bydło

claw – pazur, szpon

clip – przycinać, obcinać

companion animals – zwierzęta towarzyszące (domowe)

conduct – przeprowadzać

correspond to – odpowiadać, pokrywać się

depend on – zależeć od

focus on – skupić się na

internship – staż

livestock – zwierzęta hodowlane, żywy inwentarz

neuter – sterylizować (dot. głównie samców)

obtain – otrzymać, uzyskać

prescribe – przepisywać preventative (also: preventive)

measure– środek zapobiegawczy, ochronny

quarantine – poddawać kwarantannie, odbywać kwarantannę

requirement – potrzeba, wymóg

residency – rezydentura, praktyka

restrain – krępować, ograniczać, zapanować nad

sample – próbka

spay – sterylizować (dot. samic)

supervision – nadzór, kontrola

surgery – operacja

tissue – tkanka treatment – leczenie, zabieg

vaccination – szczepienie

vaccine – szczepionka vary – różnić się

x-ray – zdjęcie rentgenowskie

-Dopasuj wyrazy do ich definicji:( 16 marks)

1 –…...…………... loss of feeling in your body or part of your body, caused by the use of specific drugs

2 –………………………. a temporary job that a student or recent graduate takes in order to get ex-perience in the area they want to work in

3 – ……………………...animals that are kept on a farm, such as cows, pigs and sheep

4 – ……………………….a situation in which a person or animal that might have a disease is kept separate from other people or animals so that they do not catch the disease

5 –…………………... a period of time that a doctor spends working in a hospital learning more about a particular type of medical treatment

6 –……………………. to physically control the movements of a person or animal

7 – ……………… perform a medical operation on a female animal so that she cannot have babies

8 –………………. the act of watching a person or activity and making certain that everything is done correctly, safely etc.

9 – ……………...the treatment of injuries or diseases in people or animals by cutting open the body and removing or repairing the damaged part

10 –………….. a substance which contains a weak form of the bacteria or virus that causes a disease and is used to protect people from that diseas

11 Puppies need to receive .…………...when they are spayed or neutered.

12 Veterinary technicians must know how to ……………...animals for examination and treatment.

13 The rabies ……………………….prevents the spread of rabies among dogs.

14 The state veterinarian decided that the cows will have to be put in……………….. for a month.

15 The most obvious reason to……………………. your dog is to prevent pregnancy.

16 After graduation, she completed an ……………………….in large animal medicine at a clinic in Atlanta