Prosze pomóżcie, mam to na wtorek na ocenę. Potrzebuję zeby mi to ktoś dobry przetłumaczył.

Magda (18 miesięcy), Sandra (15 lat)- główne bohaterki,przyrodnie siostry. Magda jest gotowa oddac życie siostrze.

Agnieszka - mama głównych bohaterek, bardzo wiele przeszła w życiu

Gregory House - lekarz prowadzący chorobę Izy

Piotr- ojciec Izy, prawny opiekun Magdy, mąz Agnieszki

Odcinek 1
Magda w cięzkim stanie trafia do szpitala. Okazuje się, że jest poważnie chora i potrzebuje nowej nerki. Sandra jest zszokowana ta wiadomością. Ucieka z lekcji. Cała rodzina robi badania, aby sprawdzić czy moga być dawcami. Niestety tylko Sandra się kwalifikuje. Jednak mama nie zgadza się na pobranie od niej nerki.

Odcinek 2
Sandra po szkole przychodzi do szpitala. Zastaje płaczącą mamę. Stan Magdy się pogarsza, jak najszybciej potrzebuje nerki. Mama nadal się nie zgadza. Sandra poszła do Dr. Housa, aby zapytać czy konieczna jest zgodza na operację kogoś dorosłego. Otrzymuje smutną wiadomośc. NIE

Odcinek 3
Sandra nie wiedziała co robić. Jej ostatnią deską ratunku był opiekun prawny. Nie odmówił jej pomocy, podpisał zgodzę na operacje.Operacja miała się odbyć jutro.

Bardzo prosze, żeby ktoś mi to przetłumaczył

Odpowiedź :

Magda (18 months), Sandra (15 years) - the main character, half-sisters. Magda is ready to give life sister.

Agnieszka - mother of the main characters, underwent a great deal in my life

Dr. Gregory House - Iza disease doctor

Peter-father tears, Magda's legal guardian, husband of Agnes

Episode 1
Magda in a serious condition goes to the hospital. It turns out that he was seriously ill and needs a new kidney. Sandra is shocked by this news. Escapes from the lesson. The whole family is doing tests to see if can be donors. Unfortunately, only Sandra qualifies. However, my mother does not agree with the removal of the kidney.

Episode 2
Sandra after school comes to the hospital. Finds weeping mother. Magda's deteriorating state, needs a kidney as soon as possible. My mother still does not agree. Sandra went to the Dr.. House to ask whether it is necessary to agree on the operation of adult someone. Replaced by the sad news. NO

Episode 3
Sandra did not know what to do. Her last hope was the legal guardian. Did not refuse her help, I consented to sign operations. The operation was to take place tomorrow
Magda (18 months), Sandra (15 years) - the main character, half-sisters. Magda is ready to give life sister.

Agnes- mother of the main characters, underwent a great deal in my life
Dr. Gregory House - Iza disease doctor

Peter-father tears, Magda's legal guardian, husband of Agnes

Episode 1
Magda in serious condition goes to the hospital. It turns out that he was seriously ill and needs a new kidney. Sandra is shocked by this news. Escapes from the lesson. The whole family is doing tests to see if can be donors. Unfortunately, only Sandra qualifies. However, my mother does not agree with the removal of the kidney.

Episode 2
Sandra after school comes to the hospital. Finds weeping mother. Magda's deteriorating state, needs a kidney as soon as possible. My mother still does not agree. Sandra went to the Dr.. House to ask whether it is necessary to agree on the operation of adult someone. Replaced by the sad news. NO

Episode 3
Sandra did not know what to do. Her last hope was the legal guardian. Did not refuse her help, I consented to sign operations . operation was to take place tomorrow.
Magda (18 months), Sandra (15 years) - the main character, half-sisters. Magda is ready to give life sister.

Agnieszka - mother of the main characters, underwent a great deal in my life

Dr. Gregory House - Iza disease doctor

Peter-father tears, Magda's legal guardian, husband of Agnes

Episode 1
Magda in serious condition goes to the hospital. It turns out that he was seriously ill and needs a new kidney. Sandra is shocked by this news. Escapes from the lesson.The whole family is doing tests to see if can be donors. Unfortunately, only Sandra qualifies. However, my mother does not agree with the removal of the kidney.

Episode 2
Sandra after school comes to the hospital. Finds weeping mother. Magda's deteriorating state, needs a kidney as soon as possible.My mother still does not agree. Sandra went to the Dr.. House to ask whether it is necessary to agree on the operation of adult someone. Replaced by the sad news. NO

Episode 3
Sandra did not know what to do. Her last hope was the legal guardian. Did not refuse her help, I consented to sign operacje.Operacja was to take place tomorrow.