Napisz ulotkę, w której zachęcisz kolegów i koleżanki do uprawiania sportu jakim jest pływanie. Po angielsku (70 słów)

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Swimming is a beautiful sport. It is very relaxing and it can help us to be fit. We have to do it usually to keep fit but it also make us happy. When we are swimming our body is completely free and relaxed. I know also a lot of famous swimmers who ale very fit and satisfied of life. That is why I want to encourage you to do such a miraculous sport ;)
Swimming fell and password to convince you do not have. It even a child knows that it is healthy to swim in every terms.Development physically and mentally, and rest and relaxation alone caused by contact with water gives an amazing feeling. Your profile on such a regular swimming workouts for sure to improve themselves convince . No mention of an aversion to anything that you feel sure now because no condition is the beginning of the sleep of the body in every respect. Hurry as soon as possible to the nearest swimming club, or just the city pool and feel the benefits of his own body of water and to convince swimming.Give and certainly will not regret it.