use There is/There are and Some/Any to make questions and positive (+) or negative (-) answer.
example: a poster/Lazy Bones`room(+) - is there a poster in Lazy Bones`room? Yes, there is.
1.a computer on the desk / Brains`room (+)
Is there a computer on the desk in Brains' room? Yes, there is.
2.CDs next to the stereo system / Lazy Bone`s room (+)
Are there CDs next to the stereo system in Lazy Bone's room? Yes there are.
3.paintings on the walls / Brains`room (+)
Are there paintings on the walls in Brains' room? Yes, there are.
4.postcards on the walls / Brains`room (-)
Are there postcards one the walls in Brains' room? No there aren't.
5.graffiti on the walls / Lazy Bones` room (-)
Is there a graffiti on the walls in Lazdy Bones' room? No there isn't
6.loudspeakers on the shelf / Lazy Bones` room (+)
Are there loudspeakers on the shelf in Lazy Bones' room? Yes there are.
7.clothes on the floor / Brains`room (-)
Are there clothes on the floor in the Brains' room? No there aren't.
8.a ball between the books / Lazy Bones`room (+)
Is there a ball between the books in Lazy Bones' room? Yes there is,
9.chairs near the beds / the boys`rooms (+)
Are there chairs near the beds in the boys' rooms? Yes there are.
10.a lamp behind the desk / Lazy Bones`room (-)
Is there a lamp behind the desk in Lazy Bones' room? No there isn't.