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Once I was walking down the street in my small town when I saw a small piece of paper glued to the lamp post. I got interested so I came closer to read it. It said: "I lost $10 somewhere on this street. If you find it, please return it to my address. I will be very grateful. I’m old and my sight is not so great anymore."
I hadn’t found any money but I felt I needed to do something good so I took a $10 note from my wallet and followed the address. 7.1. E. When I arrived there, I saw an old lady sitting in front of the house. "Who is it?" she said as I was approaching."I’ve read your notice and I came here to tell you that I’ve found your money. Here it is." I said. The old lady began crying when she heard it. "I had people coming and giving me the money from the early morning today. At least twenty people gave me money claiming that they’ve found it. I didn’t lose any money and I didn’t even write the notice!" "Well, keep the money. You need it." I said. 7.2.D. "OK." she answered "But remove the notice on your way back, will you?" "Sure." I answered. When I was going back I saw a woman standing near the lamp post. She was reading the notice. "Excuse me." she said. 7.3. A. "Can you help me find this address? I think I’ve found the old lady’s money." I just smiled and pointed in the right direction.
Skąd takie odpowiedzi?
- W pierwszej luce wiemy, że chłopiec szedł pod dany adres, w zdaniu po luce są słowa starszej kobiety. W związku z tym wiadomo, że musiał dotrzeć pod adres i tam spotkać kobietę. Jedyne zdanie zawierające takie elementy to zdanie E
- W drugiej luce mamy część dialogu. Chłopiec mówi kobiecie żeby wzięła pieniądze, ponieważ ich potrzebuje. Po luce jest odpowiedź chłopca, więc w luce musi być zawarta wypowiedź kobiety. Zdanie zawierające wypowiedź kobiety to zdanie D
- W ostatniej luce powinno być coś wypowiedziane przez kobietę spotkaną przy ogłoszeniu. Jedyne takie zdanie to zdanie A