Opisz mój dzień po angielsku w tym treningi zaczynam lekcje o 8:50 a kończę 13:15 pomozcie

Odpowiedź :

Odpowiedź:I start my day by getting up at 7.40 am then eating breakfast and getting dressed, at 8.40 am I leave my house for school. I have lessons until 1.15 pm, including training.



Usually, I wake  up at 7am. Than I dress up and eat breakfast.  After that I brush my  teeth. At 8.30am I go to school. I have my lessons from 8.50am to 1.15pm. After lessons I do my homework. It usually takes me 45 minutes. At 2.50pm I have my training on the pool. When I come back at 3.30pm I eat lunch. After lunch at 3.50pm I watch some movies. It takes me around 1 and half hour. At 4.45pm I do hang out with friends. When Im back at 6pm, I learn for my tests and minitests. At 7pm I eat dinner. Then at 7.30pm I chat with friends. At 8.45pm I go brush my teeth. Than, at 8.55pm I clean my room. At 9.30pm I dress up in my PJs. At 10pm I go to sleep.

