Proszę o pomoc
Do the writing task in your notebook. Use the ideas in Exercise 9, the WRITING FOCUS and the LANGUAGE FOCUS to help you. W odpowiedzi na wiadomość w ćwiczeniu 9 napisz e-mail. W swoim e-mailu: • wyraź swoje współczucie z powodu sytuacji, w jakiej znalazł się twój kolega, • udziel mu kilku rad, • zmień temat i przekaż mu jakieś dobre wiadomości spróbuj pocieszyć kolege.​

Proszę O PomocDo The Writing Task In Your Notebook Use The Ideas In Exercise 9 The WRITING FOCUS And The LANGUAGE FOCUS To Help You W Odpowiedzi Na Wiadomość W class=

Odpowiedź :


Hey, sorry to hear about that. Moms are always so worried, aren't they? I think you should tell her that you will be fine and you will text her often. And also my big brother is coming with us, so he will be like a bodyguard.;) Anyway, I heard that a famous singer is coming to the festival and we have tickets to the front row! Don't worry too much about your Mum, just reassure her that everything will be fine, call her, film videos, ect.


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