Napisz ciekawostki o Tatrzańskim Parku Narodowym po angielsku (Ma to być na poziomie 5 klasy).

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Interesting facts about the Tatra National Park

1. The Tatra National Park (TPN) was established on January 1, 1955.

2. The Tatra National Park is open to various forms of human activity - incl. hiking, skiing, biking, mountaineering, downhill skiing.

3. The places most visited by tourists are: Morskie Oko, Dolina Kościeliska, Dolina Strążyska, Kasprowy Wierch and Giewont.

4. The highest point of the Tatra Mountains is Rysy peak (2499 m), and the lowest, Porońca Valley near Kośne Hamry (approx. 773 m).

5. The symbol of the Tatra National Park is the goat