Napisz po angielsku list:
Jedno z młodzieżowych czasopism zapytało czytelników
o to, co sądzą na temat możliwości zastąpienia ludzi
przez roboty w niektórych sferach życia. Napisz list
do redakcji, w którym wyrazisz swoje zdanie na ten
temat oraz przedstawisz swoje przemyślenia dotyczące
konsekwencji tego zjawiska.
Plisss potrzebuje na jutro

Odpowiedź :

Dear Editor,

I think that we are at risk of being replaced by robots in some areas yet not everywhere. I suppose that such non-creative jobs as shop assistants, teachers, family medicine doctors or manual workers may be replaced very soon. However, those who need to solve problems quickly and be imaginative will not be exchanged by robots. As an example let us look at neurosurgeons. I do not think that people would let be operated on their brain by a robot. Of course, surgeons could be supported by machines, as it happens today, but not replaced.

As a consequence of such replacement, the unemployment rate will rise and probably other social problems are likely to occur, such as crime, drug addiction and illiteracy. Only limited groups of humans will be eager to get solid education as for most basic maths and communication skills will be enough to get fully or at least semi-automated job.  

Such a vision seems to be very dark but nobody said that machines would be our friends.