Reading 7 Przeczytaj tekst o rodzinie w Nigrze Wstaw / (prawda) lub X (fałsz). Zainebu lives with her extended family in a town in Niger, a country in northern Africa. As in most families, Zainebu has to help with jobs around the house. Every morning she wakes up early to get water for her family. Her town doesn't have a system that delivers water to people's houses, so Zainebu and her younger sister Hannatu have to get water from a water pump at the end of the street. They carry the water home in large containers so that everyone can wash, and their mother can do the cooking. They have to get a lot of water because their other brothers and sisters, their mother, father, grandfather and three uncles all have to have baths. Collecting water is just Zainebu's first job of the day. After that she goes to school, but she has to do the washing and cleaning when she comes home. She is usually busy until sunset. The girls live in their father's family home, together with their mother, brothers, sisters, uncles and grandfather. The place where they live is sometimes called a compound. It consists of four small houses: Zainebu's mother has a house where she sleeps with her children. Their father and grandfather each have their own houses, with their uncles staying with their grandfather The fourth house is the kitchen.The family have a small farm which provides most of their food. The nice thing about families like Zainebu's is that the members of the family help each other with everything. If someone is ill, another member helps on the farm or looks after the children. It's one of the advantages of living together as an extended family. When Zainebu is older she might leave home and get married. Then she'll have to move away, but her new home probably won't be far from her parents' compound.