Potrzebuje pomocy, z góry serdecznie dziękuję!
1. I am not a nurse, I am a member of the ____
a) administration work b) administrative staff c) administrating team
2. I don't know how it happend. Sorry, it must be some kind of ___
a) misunderstanding b) habit c) fine
3.When were you ____?
a)born b) birthday c) birth
4. We need to make a/an ___ assessment before the doctor sees you.
a) initial b) immediately c) first
5. I hit my head and I feel ___.
a) swollen b) itchy c) dizzy
6.My job is to ___ people who are frightened.
a) assess b) great c) reassure
7. Does anybody in your family ___ diabetes?
a) suffer from b) have history of c) past disease
8.Don't panic. It is not a ___ condition.
a) life-saving b) life-dangerous c) life-threatening
9.She has a ___ on her skin.
a) cancer b) spot c) bump
10. He has a snake ___ on his leg.
a) bite b) hit c) bit
11.Could you fill in the registration ___?
a) form b) file c) account
12. Are you ___ anything?
a) allergies with b) allergic to c) allergic for
13. I will ask you a few questions to coplete the patient ___.
a) record b) intake c) accounts
14.An arm or a leg is called a ___
a) cause b) limb c) court
15. Problems with computers often cause ___. Some appointments must have been moved to next weekend.
a) prescriptions b) instructions c) delays
16. I think you have skin ___.
a) irritating b) irritation c) irritate
17. He made a ___ error. The patient died.
a) fatal b) wasteful c) badly