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After all, learning can be a little easier, but most of all effective. Take a short mind mapping course and see if it really works! Have you ever heard of laterality? Each person has two cerebral hemispheres - left and right, and each of them is responsible for a different type of processed data, has different tasks. By taking standard exam notes - black and white, containing only linear text, some numbers, you only use the left hemisphere. At the same time, the right part of the brain, well, just gets bored and distracted. God forbid that you learn near a computer, TV or extremely addictive sensation books when you turn on your computer! Then we have a guarantee that our right hemisphere, like a bored child, will immediately pick up such stimuli from learning. Cleaning up the workplace is one thing we can do (as long as it does not become a substitute for learning.) However, we can take advantage of this seemingly defect in our right hemisphere. It is hard to overcome the needs of our brain, which, bored with science, seeks impressions, so it is better to meet these needs so that they do not interfere with duties. Therefore, mind mapping is the best method. In order to move on to creating such effective notes, let us recall how the division of our brain into hemispheres looks more precisely.
