1. Bląd w 4 zdaniu.
*Me with my cousin*
2. Błąd w 5 zdaniu.
*I hope that in the next year me and you will visit Kraków.
Tak na ogół to dobrze jest chociaż zaczęłabym maila od słów "Hi (imię). Im writing to you because I have big news... " Poprawilabym tez "It is very interesting and beatufil." na "It's an amazing place full of tourists."
Zrobilabym tez "This is a big and gorgeous place" zamiast
"There is big interesting place.". Jakoś mi to nie brzmi po prostu. Napisałabym też coś więcej dla przykładu " Food here is very tasty and yummy. Today we went to shopping centre and we bought lots of funny things. Krakow is quite