2 Popraw błędy w poniższych zdaniach. W każdym zdaniu jest jeden błąd. 1 My cousin which lives in Peru, loves South American food. 2 Europe is a continent who has countries that include Portugal, Poland and Germany. 3 South Korea, when is in Asia, has many high tech industries and produces goods that sell well. 4 The people greet you very warmly why you go to Australia. 5 We drove carefully around Canada which we visited North America last summer. 6 Africa is a place that I would expect to see wild animals pls

Odpowiedź :


1 My cousin who lives in Peru, loves South American food.

2 Europe is a continent that has countries that include Portugal, Poland, and Germany.

3 South Korea, which is in Asia, has many high-tech industries and produces goods that sell well.

4 The people greet you very warmly when you are going to Australia.

5 We drove carefully around Canada when we visited North America last summer.

6 Africa is a place where I would expect to see wild animals


trikiem w wykonaniu powyższego zadania jest czytanie literka po literce, poniewaz bledne wyrazy wygladaly bardzo podobnie do poprawnych, i czytajac nieuwaznie latwo je przegapic