Zadanie z luk
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I Przeczytaj tekst. Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach 1-3 zgodnie 1
I z treścią tekstu. Luki należy uzupełnić w języku i
I angielskim
omelessness doesn't always mean that someone
lives on the street. It can also mean that people
have no place of their own and are living temporarily
with friends or extended family. Sometimes it may be
necessary to sleep on the couch at someone else's
home for a short period of time, such as in the case of a
flood, fire or other disaster. What makes the situation
more difficult is the fact that people are often forced to
move far away from their loved ones and communities
and their jobs. This can result in unemployment,
loneliness, and other social problems. People who are
homeless in this way are often 'hidden' from society
and it can be hard to give them all a hand.
1 Living
...... isn't the only type of
2 Natural disasters can cause people to
.............. from their homes and jobs.
3 It is difficult to ..... .... all homeless people.