2 Wskaż właściwą formę. Zapisz odpowiedzi
w zeszycie.
liczby pojedynczej i mnogiej.
|(1) played / was playing football last Saturday and everything went wrong. Firstly, when
1(2) arrived / was arriving to the sports centre, 1 (3) saw/ was seeing that there was nobody
there! Then I remembered that the match was to start two hours later. I(4) waited / was waiting
for everybody to arrive. While I (5) went / was going outside suddenly it started to rain.
|(6) didn't have / wasn't having an umbrella sol(7) went/was going back to the sports centre.
When everybody (8) arrived / was arriving, 1 (9) slept/was sleeping! It was so embarrassing! Then
we (10) played / were playing the match but I didn't feel well for the rest of the day.​

Odpowiedź :


1 I was playing

2 arrived

3 saw

4 waited ( nie mam tu pewności)

5 was going outside

6 didn't have

7 went

8 arrived

9 was sleeping

10 played ( tu też nie mam pewności)