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Hi there!!!!Listen, I have just started a new job

Odpowiedź :

Hi there! Listen, I have just started a new job and it's absolutely fantastic! I just got a job as a chef at a fancy restaurant.

This job is very rewarding because I get to work as part of a team, which I really enjoy. I cook delicious food for cutomers. I love seeing the smiles on their faces when they taste the dishes I cooked. My boss is very supportive and teaches me new things about cooking everyday.

There are some disadvantages though. The hours aren't very flexible, which means sometimes I have to work on the weekends. I also find it hard to work when the restaurant is very busy because I don't work well under pressure. It stresses me out.

However, overall I think working as a chef is a fun job. The pros definitely outweight the cons. I certainly recommend this job because it combines my passion with work. The wages are great as well.

How are you? How's life in the US? I look forward to hearing from you!

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