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The Island Life
Imagine living on your own private island far away from any town or city (e) One couple is doing exactly that. Catherine King and Wayne Adams always wanted to live close to nature, but when they couldn't afford to buy land they decided to make their own island! (a) It's called Freedom Cove and is made from dozens of floating wood platforms. The island is 2,000 square metres of gardens and buildings and is located just off the west coast of Vancouver Island, Canada. There is a main house, a lighthouse and even a dance floor - all made from recycled materials. Over the years, Catherine and Wayne have also built four greenhouses (b) Here they grow all the food they need all year round. They have no refrigerator or freezer, so they only eat fresh food, and collect fresh water from a nearby waterfall on the coast. Wayne uses a canoe for daily fishing around the island. (d) But when he's feeling tired, he can also catch fish from a hole in his living room floor! Both Wayne and Catherine try to live in a way that they can enjoy nature and protect the environment at the same time. They are happy just floating along on their very special island.