Przeczytaj tekst. Do każdego fragmentu (1-6) przyporządkuj zdanie podsumowujące je go treść (A –G), wpisując w kratkę przy numerze fragmentu odpowiednią literę. Jedno zdanie zostało podane dodatkowo i nie odnosi się do żadnego fragmentu. (…../6)

A. Save the energy.
B. Change your every day habits.
C. Throw away less.
D. Drive economically.
E. Recycle as much as you can.
F. Be an intelligent shopper.
G. Choose green energy for your house.



Is your car an older car that consumes a lot of petrol? The less petrol you consume, the better. There are even so called hybrids – which use both electricity and petrol. If you can, use public transportation and leave your car at home.


Paper, cans, glass and plastic can be reused after being segregated. Ask your local authorities to provide special containers. Many governments are working on banning the disposable plastic bags, so if you have not do ne so already, buy a reusable cloth bag for shopping. It saves the earth and looks cool at the same time!


Everything that you don’t need ends up in a land fill. We produce very much rubbish per person each and every year. If we com post un necessary food and recycle things we no longer want by giving them to charity, there really is no need for big landfills.


If you want to save the planet and save money at the same time, you can start buying things that have less packaging than others. Pick the pro ducts that are not wrapped in many layers of cardboard, paper or plastic.


Hang your clothes to dry in the summer time instead of using a clothes dryer. Have shorter showers. Turn the water off when you brush your teeth. Turn off the light when you are leaving the room.


It takes some money to start building and installing solar panels and wind turbines for your own needs. But the effort is worth it. It is one of the best and easy ways to save the earth and you can make your bills smaller too!