1. ones
2. ones
3. ones
4. ones
5. one
6. one
7. one
5. Stall owner: Hello, can I help you?
Amy: Yes, please. I'd like to buy two key rings.
Stall owner: Which ones- the small ones or the large ones?
Amy: The small ones.
Stall owner: They're $1.50
Amy: And how much are the post cards?
Stall owner: Which ones- the coloured ones or the black and white ones?
Amy: The coloured ones.
Stall owner: They're $2
Amy: Can I pay by card?
Stall owner: Sorry, we only take cash. The cash machine is over there, next to the supermarket.
4. Zainków one/ones' ( ten, te) używamy kiedy mówimy o jakimś wspomnianym wczesniej przedmiocie bez powtarzania wilokrotnie jego nazwy
Zaimka 'ones' uzywamy zamiast rzeczowników w liczbie mnogiej ( headphones) a zaimka one' zamiast rzeczowników w liczbie pojedynczej ( video camera)