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Hi, I'm Jodie Every year there's an activity day at my school with sports, music and dance It's a fantastic
day. You can drive a go-kart, play the guitar or nde a horse. You can leam lots of new things. I can't play
tennis, but on activity day I can go to lessons. My friend Becky can't do martial arts, but there's a martial arts
instructor there. My brother Paul is good at sports and he can swim very well. On activity day he can swim
and dive. It's fun!
1 Every week there's an activity day
2 You can learn new things on
activity day
Jodie can play tennis
Becky is good at martial arts
Paulis Jodie's friend

Reading 5 Przeczytaj Tekst Oznacz Zdania Jako Prawdziwe Lub Fals Zywe X Hi Im Jodie Every Year Theres An Activity Day At My School With Sports Music And Dance I class=