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2.1. Opening a _____________________ account is just one way of putting some money aside.
2.2. And then the journalist went on to pass the _____________________ news to the viewers.
2.3. Out of all of the live gigs I’ve recently seen, theirs was by far the best _____________________ of all.
2.4. You’d better check in _____________________ which documents you need to show at the bank, so that you go there fully prepared.
2.5. Does working for a TV station require the ability to meet _____________________ and work under pressure?
2.6. This is the third novel written by this _____________________ writer in her short career.
2.7. My aunt promised to give me a _____________________ so that I didn’t need to pay for a taxi.
2.8. Before you _____________________ any work of art it’s good to do some background checks on both the artist and market prices.