rysunek pokuju + opis

Odpowiedź :

flowers standing on those shelves. The entrence to my room is on the north side. There is a desk with comupter standing on the left side of the window. Right next to the entrance there is a bed. The room itself is pained yellow. There is a lot of space at the centre of the room. There is a brown crapet laying. The room/carpet (nie wiem ktory z nich) is very confortable in my opinion, and I'm pretty satisfied with it.


Mój pokoj jest bardzo przestrzenny.Ma ok 20m(kwadratowych.Znajduje sie w południowej czesci mieszkania. Okna w pokoju sa duze. Pokoj jest dobrze oswietlony. Znajduje sie w nim pietrowe łóżko, szafa, dwa fotele, stolik,tv i kilka półek. Na polkach stoi bardzo duzo kwiatków. Wejscie do pokoju znajduje sie od polnocnej strony. Na lewo od okna stoi biurko z komputerem. Zaraz przy wejsciu stoi łóżko, pokoj pomalowany jest na żółty kolor. Na srodku pokojuz znajduje sie duzo wolnego miejsca. Na podłodze lezy jasno brazowy dywan.moim zdaniem jest bardzo wygodny i jestem z niego zadowolony.

Rysunek to sobie narysuj:)
The room is big, and there are many things in here. There is a bed on the left. It`s very big and takes a lot of space. There is a window with a curtain above the bed. There are four flowerpots on the windowsill. Next to the bed there is a lamp. There are also bookshelves there is a wooden too. There is a door on the fight. The pictures hang on the wall next to the door.
I like my room. I have a big and comfortable bed. There are a desk and my computer. I have a pretty red carpet and a big widows, too. In this room are a lot of flowers. I like this room, beacause I have there TV, computer, flowers and my beautiful carpet.