Interesuje mnie mieszkanie z lazienka kuchnia i dwoma pokojami
w jakiej czesci miasta lezy to mieszkanie?
Najlepiej zebys szukala mieszkania w ogloszeniach.
Czy chcielibyscie dzielic ze mna wynajete mieszkanie?
Moge zaopiekowac sie panstwa mieszkaniem podczas waszej nieobecnosci.
Ile kosztuje za miesiac wynajem tego mieszkania
Jakie duze sa pokoje w tym mieszkaniu?
czy to mieszkanie jest umeblowane?
W przyszlym roku zamierzam wyremontowac swoje mieszkanie

Odpowiedź :

-I'm looking for an apartment with bathroom, kitchen and two rooms.
-in what part of city this apartment is located?
-It will be the best looking for apartment in announcement
-Would you like share apartment with me?
-I could take care of our apartment during your absence.
-How much is the rent for one month?
-How big are rooms in apartment?
-Is this apartment fully furnished?
-In next year I'm going to redecorate my apartment
I am interested in an apartment with kitchen, bathroom and two rooms
in what part of town is this flat?
Ideally you looking for an apartment in the advertisements.
Would you like to share with me, rented an apartment?
I can take care of your home during your absence.
How much per month rent that apartment
How big are the rooms in this apartment?
whether it is a furnished apartment?
Next year I intend to renovate your flat