Hejka poprosze o napisanie listu z angielskiego o wakacjach moze byc z danego miejsca albo juz po powrocie.;] czasy to tylko present simple i present continus. prosze o pomoc! ;[ na dzisiaj!

Odpowiedź :

Dear John,

Hi, how are you? I'm having a great time here at summer camp. The place is lovely and the weather is good.
There's so much to do here that I don't know where to begin. In the morning we go sailing, we have Drama classes and go water-skiing. In the afternoon we go swimming or we play water sports.
In the evening we play games around campfire and we go to theatre. This weekend we are visiting a ranch and on Sunday we are having a big party. Well, that's all for now.
See you in a couple of weeks.

Lots of love,

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