wady pisemnych:
1. czesto jest za mało czasu
2. niektóre osoby mają trudnosc ze sformulowaniem wypowiedzi pisemnej, chociaz znaja odpowiedz
3. można walnąć orta

wady ustnych:
1. ograniczony czas wypowiedzi
2. komisja słuchająca, która stresuje
3. czasem z pospiechu zapominamy co chcielismy powiedziec (głupota)

zalety pisemnych:
1. mniejszy stres niz na ustnym
2. mozliwosc wielokrotnej korekty wypowiedzi
3. wiecej zcasu na namysł

zalety ustnych:
1. natychmiast znamy wynik xD
2. mozemy rozmawiac z tymi, ktorzy nas oceniają
3. swoją postawą (ubiór, zachowanie) mozemy wpłynąć na wynik
Egzaminy powinny testowac
- knowledge
- skills
- the ability to use knowledge and skills in practice
Moze mi ktos to wszystko przetlumaczyc zeby wyszly z tego zdania Bardzo proszę o szybką pomoc

Odpowiedź :

What are the disadvantages of written tests (bo chyba o testy chodzi)?
- First of all, there is always too little time to do all the tasks.
- In addition, some students have problems with formulating a written answer although they know the correct one.
- Finally, you can always make a spelling mistake.

What are the disadvantages of oral tests?
- There is often a limited time for your answer.
- Another drawback is an examination board who listens carefully to what you are saying. In that way, you become stressed and nervous.
- Stress and haste often lead to forgetting what we want to say.

What are the advantages of written tests?
- There is far less stress than during oral examination.
- Furthermore, we can correct what we want to write many times.
- We have more time to think over our answers.

What are advantages of oral tests?
- We know the result (or our mark, grade) just after the test.
- What is more, we can always talk to the people who are evaluating our answers, discuss our mistakes, persuade them to our argumants.
- Finally, sometimes we can influence our mark by looking good, having smart clothes, etc.

Tests should measure students' knowledge, skills and the ability to use them both in practice.