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4.moja opinia.

Odpowiedź :

Titanic" is a 1997 American romantic film about sinking RMS Titanic. Directed, written, produced and edited by one man- James Cameron. Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate winslet, play the starring role as a Jack Dawson and Rose. The plot revolves around love affair between them - members of different social classes, with it's never ending fight against reverses.
The film begins with treasure hunter's team exploring the wreck of Titanic, in search of a necklace set with blue diamond called “The Heart of the Ocean". After finding a drawing of a young women wearing only the necklace, dated the day of Titanic sank, they manage to find that women. It is the 100 years old Rose Dawson Calvert. Rose and her granddaughter visit treasure hunter's ship, and recalls memories from being aboard on the ship. Beeing distraught and frustrated with her engagement and leading controlled life she attempts to commit suicide, but poor artist Jack Dawson stops her. It is the beginning of unusual feeling growing over responsibilities, social classification and death.
It is a high action romantic drama with excellent cast, with marvelously written script. Special effects make the story convincing especially harrowing ending. Well directed film was lauded. It won eleven Academy Awards. Also the moving ending song “ my Heart will go on" was awarded.
All in all, it is a masterpiece of it's kind. It is well worth seeing, as it will arouse very deep emotions in you. “Titanic" is a mixture of greatest ingredients of it's kind, which is gentle entertainment for whole family.

Titanic my opinion is the best romantic movie of all time. Received numerous awards, and he watched it many times and probably watched many times.
my favourite film is twilight . it's a very interesting film.bella swan going to the new school and she met a new friend cullens. culens is a vamparie . she comes to loves Edwart cullens