Przeczytaj tekst I wybierz poprawne odpowiedzi, A, B or C.
A ____ girl became the focus of 1_____ over the weekend when she managed to find her
way home after getting lost in central London. Her mother, who was extremely upset,
contacted the police telling them her 2 _____ was that her daughter, Annabel, had been
kidnapped. However, while the police were searching cars and streets, the 3_____ girl was
calmly making her way home on the underground. Later, she gave a blow4_____ -blow
account of how she managed to find her way home by recognising posters at the stations
where she usually changed trains with her mother. ‘I’d never forgive myself if anything
5_____ to her’, the child’s mother later told reporters.
A seven-years-old B seven-year-old C seven year old
1) A breaking news B broken-news C breaking-news
2) A guts-feeling B gutfeeling C gut feeling
3) A curly-hairs B curly-haired C curly-hair
4) A by B of C for
5) A has happened B had happened C would have happened