6) In your notebook, complete the text with
appropriate words. Put one word in each space.
When Kamil Stoch won another gold
medal at the Winter Olympic Games
in 2018 in South Korea, the whole of
Poland went crazy again. People 1
the competition on TV, supporting the
ski jumper. A new generation of his fans
wanted to learn as ____ as possible about
STOCH their idol. Many were surprised that Stoch
ski jumping when he was only
four! His first coach says that as a child Kamil was always
determined to compete - _ the Olympic Games. He was used
very hard, because his dream was to win a medal at this
prestigious competition. His dream 5 true when he beat his
rivals in Sochi in 2014!
took up​.

Odpowiedź :

Uzupełnianie tekstu z lukami

When Kamil Stoch won another gold medal at the Winter Olympic Games in 2018 in South Korea, the whole of Poland went crazy again. People watched the competition on TV, supporting the ski jumper. A new generation of his fans wanted to learn as much as possible about STOCH their idol. Many were surprised that Stoch took up ski jumping when he was only four! His first coach says that as a child Kamil was always determined to compete in the Olympic Games. He was used to working very hard, because his dream was to win a medal at this prestigious competition. His dream came true when he beat his rivals in Sochi in 2014!

Rozwiązując zadania z lukami, kiedy nie ma podanych wyrazów do wpisania, na początek przeczytajmy cały tekst, aby zrozumieć jego sens. Następnie staramy się pomyśleć, jakiego wyrazu brakuje w luce, np. ____ the competition on TV, co można robić z konkursem w telewizji? Oglądać, stąd mamy odpowiedź watched. Często zdarzy się tak, że do jednej luki będzie pasowało kilka wyrazów (najczęściej synonimów). Kolejną rzeczą, na którą zwracamy uwagę jest poprawność gramatyczna. Gdy mamy już wybrane słowo, zastanówmy się w jakim czasie je wpisać. Skoro mówimy o roku 2018, to użyjemy czasu Past Simple.