Zadanie 4.
Przeczytaj tekst. Dobierz właściwy nagłówek (A-F) do każdej z oznaczonych części tekstu (4.1.-4.4.). Wpisz odpowiednią literę w każdą kratkę.
Uwaga: dwa nagłówki zostały podane dodatkowo i nie pasują do żadnej części tekstu.
A. Teaching someone to swim well
B. A cold start to a working day
C. A way to protect privacy
D. Changing a pool's function
E. Problems with the press
F. Different water sports practised in the open air
A lot is known about the White House, but what about its swimming pools? Read on to find out.
Andrew Jackson, the seventh American president, enjoyed gardening and swimming. There was no swimming pool in the grounds during his presidency, so every morning he walked down to the chilly waters of the nearby Potomac River. A refreshing 20-minute swim was just what he needed before his daily official duties.
Franklin Roosevelt was the first president to have an indoor swimming pool built at the White House. Later, President Nixon decided to turn it into a press room. In 2007, the basement room was redesigned to accommodate all the wires for the electronic press. The sides of the pool became part of its walls.
President Ford was in the habit of going for an after-work swim, so in 1976 an outdoor heated pool was built. It was also popular with other residents of the White House. They could use it even on cold winter afternoons. Ford's son often did scuba diving and snorkelling there and Amy Carter perfected her swimming technique when her father was the President.
A small building was added to the outdoor pool, providing a place to get changed. It allows swimmers to avoid the attention of the public. An underground passage lets the president's family reach the building from the ground floor of the West Wing without being noticed by visitors.