Potrzebuję pomocy w rozwiązaniu zadania, dziękuję.

Potrzebuję Pomocy W Rozwiązaniu Zadania Dziękuję class=
Potrzebuję Pomocy W Rozwiązaniu Zadania Dziękuję class=

Odpowiedź :


  1. Did she return the CD yesterday? No, it was being listened to.
  2. Why didn't you put that black shirt on? It was being washed.
  3. Why didn't he hear the doorbell? The carpet was being vaccumed.
  4. Did the teacher check your test yesterday? No, it was being checked.
  5. Did they find a solution to that problem? No, it was being discussed.
  6. Why didn't you try the cake? It was being baked.
  7. Could he take the documents yesterday? No, they were being typed.

Większość z ułożonych odpowiedzi lepiej brzmiałaby w Present Continuous Passive, ale mamy narzuconą formułę Past Continuous Passive, więc zastosowałem ją we wszystkich zdaniach.


  1. The letter is being written now.
  2. The oranges are being bought now.
  3. Sandwiches are being made now.
  4. The newspaper isn't being read at the moment.
  5. The song isn't being sung at the moment.
  6. Are the candles being lit now?
  7. What lecture is being given now?
  8. Whose report is being listened at the moment?
  9. Is the news being reported at the moment?
  10. Is the interview being given now?
