Zad.1 s.85 ćwiczenia
Uzupełnij zdania wyrazami z ramek. Wpisz w lukę A, B lub C.
A. get B. go C. take
1. I should B on a diet.
2. I sometimes __ travel-sick on a bus.
3. Did you __ your terperature.
A. shall B. will C. would
4. If you don't see the dentist now, it __ only get worse.
5. Chris __ like to visit his friend in hospital.
6. Exuse me, nurse, __ I wait here or outside?
A. felt B. fell C. fall
7. It was so hot that I dizzy.
8. Get the vaccine if you dno't want to __ ill with the flu.
9. Amanda __ down and bruised her knees.