Przeczytaj tekst. Czy zdania są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F)?Are you an active person? Do you like sports? Well,
research has shown that exercise can be good for us in
many ways, not only for our physical fitness. For most
people, the main reason that they start being active is
that they want to be fitter or to lose weight. By talking
to a personal trainer, they can select the type of activity
that is best for them and what they want to achieve.
Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get quick results
from physical exercise and many people give up before
they see a real difference.
Fitness clubs and gyms see this every year depending
on the season. After New Year, the number of people
joining a gym goes up a lot. These people have
probably decided to change something in their lives
with the start of the new year. They usually attend for
one or two months and then lose interest or
motivation. The next increase in fitness club members
comes in April or May, when people realise they want
to look good for their summer holiday, which is mostly
spent on the beach. Again, these new recruits try for
two or three months, but then stop when summer
However, exercise can also help you psychologically.
Doing physical activity helps you to think more clearly
and makes the blood flow through your body faster.
This makes it easier for you to concentrate on your
work or studies. You also sleep better because the
exercise has reduced your level of stress and you aren’t
as worried about your duties and responsibilities. So
what are you waiting for? It’s time to get active and
stay active.
1 Most people have a clear reason for starting to be
2 You can only see an improvement in your fitness
after a long time.
3 The number of gym members is the same all year.
4 People often stop attending the gym after a couple
of months.
5 Exercise doesn’t help you get more sleep.

proszę o pomoc.

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Are you an active person? Do you like sports?

Well, research has shown that exercise can be good for us in many ways, not only for our physical fitness. For most people, the main reason that they start being active is that they want to be fitter or to lose weight. By talking to a personal trainer, they can select the type of activity that is best for them and what they want to achieve.

Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get quick results from physical exercise and many people give up before they see a real difference.

Fitness clubs and gyms see this every year depending on the season. After New Year, the number of people joining a gym goes up a lot. These people have probably decided to change something in their lives with the start of the new year. They usually attend for one or two months and then lose interest or motivation. The next increase in fitness club members comes in April or May, when people realise they want to look good for their summer holiday, which is mostly spent on the beach. Again, these new recruits try for two or three months, but then stop when summer arrives.

However, exercise can also help you psychologically. Doing physical activity helps you to think more clearly and makes the blood flow through your body faster. This makes it easier for you to concentrate on your work or studies. You also sleep better because the exercise has reduced your level of stress and you aren’t as worried about your duties and responsibilities. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to get active and stay active.


  1. Most people have a clear reason for starting to be active.
  2. You can only see an improvement in your fitness after a long time.
  3. The number of gym members is the same all year.
  4. People often stop attending the gym after a couple of months.
  5. Exercise doesn’t help you get more sleep.


  • TRUE (For most people, the main reason that they start being active is that they want to be fitter or to lose weight.)

  • TRUE (Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get quick results from physical exercise)

  • FALSE (After New Year, the number of people joining a gym goes up a lot. (...) The next increase in fitness club members comes in April or May, when people realise they want to look good for their summer holiday, which is mostly spent on the beach.)

  • TRUE ((...) many people give up before they see a real difference.)

  • TRUE (You also sleep better because theexercise has reduced your level of stress and you aren’t as worried about your duties and responsibilities.)


  • true - prawda
  • false - fałsz
  • research - badania
  • weight - waga
  • achieve - osiągnąć
  • real difference - prawdziwa różnica
  • attend - uczęszczać / uczestniczyć
  • exercise - ćwiczenia
  • blood - krew
  • studies - badania
  • duties - obowiązki
