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To moje stare wypracowanie, mam nadzieję, że się nada
Hi ___(Name)
How are you? I hope you're well. Guess what! I took a cooking course recently. It was one month course abot making Italian food. I was participating in it twice a week and it was taken at the restaurant next to my house .
I learnt how to make a lot of variety of italian meals and I really enjoyed making spaghetti. First, I boiled pasta, then I added sauce and meatballs. Lastly, I added some herbs. Now, I know how to make risotto too. It's not as hard as I thought. I'm thinking of making a lasagne. Would you like to come over and try it on Sunday? Maybe at 2 pm?
Let me know if it's ok with you or just suggest a different time
Take care, bye for now