1 Work in pairs. Think of some products or services you
can buy in Poland, their logos and advertising slogans.
Then answer the questions below.
1 What do the logos and slogans tell the customers
about the product/service?
2 Which one appeals to you the most? Why?
Proszę o Szybką Pomoc

Odpowiedź :

W tym zadaniu musimy zastanowić się nad logami i sloganami marek w Polsce i odpowiedzieć na pytania.

1. What do the logos and slogans tell the customers about the product/service?

The logos and slogans tell the customers a lot about the company. For example, some firms have funny slogans (like "Twój kot kupowałby Whiskas), which shows that the brand is light-hearted. Others, however, choose some more serious lines, like "Wyższa kultura bankowości". That way we learn about the character of the brand, and we know what to expect.

2. Which one appeals to you the most? Why?

I really like the slogan "Red Bull doda ci skrzydeł", because it's funny and light-hearted. It's also really easy to remember, and it has the brand name in it.


slonan - slogan

logo - logo

serious - poiważny

expect - oczekiwać

remember - pamiętać

brand - marka


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