Replace the highlighted adjective or phrase with a synonymous one from the list and write it down in the
grid below:
• abundant
• amiable
• conspicuous
• crucial
• inexorable
• ingenious
• mercenary
• outrageous
• preposterous
• prevalent

1/ I like her firmness; once she makes a decision it's unchangeable.
2/ It was a very frightful experience when we stumbled across the native tribesmen in the middle of the jungle.
3/ He couldn't have had any knowledge of the subject seeing that his statements were not sensible.
4/ Unless the company is privatized, it will be in for an unavoidable collapse.
5/ Your great success was most evident, but tell us Jack, how did you cope with the damaged tendon?
6/ Brian was filled with anger after he had learnt he had lost his assets on the Stock Exchange.
7/I wouldn't say David was very friendly. Yet, he wasn't unkind, either.
8/ It's hard to define the reasons for his shocking behaviour. He might have got nervous on account of the gossip that was being
told about his private life.
9/ Hopefully, the discovery of so rich resources of oil in the area may contribute to lowering the petrol prices.

Odpowiedź :

Replace the highlighted adjective or phrase with a synonymous one from the list

1. I like her firmness; once she makes a decision it's irrevocable (unchangeable).

2. It was a formidable (very frightful) experience when we stumbled across the native tribesmen in the middle of the jungle.

3. He couldn't have had any knowledge of the subject seeing that his statements were outrageous (not sensible).

4. Unless the company is privatized, it will be in for an inexorable (unavoidable) collapse.

5. Your great success was conspicuous (most evident), but tell us Jack, how did you cope with the damaged tendon?

6. Brian was indignant (filled with anger) after he had learnt he had lost his assets on the Stock Exchange.

7. I wouldn't say David was amiable (very friendly). Yet, he wasn't unkind, either.

8. It's hard to define the reasons for his outrageous  (shocking) behaviour. He might have got nervous on account of the gossip that was being told about his private life.

9. Hopefully, the discovery of so abundant (rich) resources of oil in the area may contribute to lowering the petrol prices.

10. I'd rather we waited for father before making any resolutions. He is usually full of ingenious (brillant) ideas and he will definitely add something important to our plants.

11. Practicing the occult with its ceremonies so full of mysticism and magic is still prevalent (widespread) among certain African tribes.

12. Why is it so crucial (important) for you that the plaque be fixed on the left?

13. He says he wants to be paid more for his elaborate (well-worked out) designs?

14. Who do you think she takes after with her mercenary (greedy) character?

15. I believe he's been warned pretty strongly that the assignment he is taking up is going to be very arduous (exhausting).


  • abundant - obfity, bogaty, sowity
  • amiable - życzliwy, uprzejmy
  • arduous - trudny, męczący, ciężki
  • conspicuous - widoczny, rzucający się w oczy, zwracający uwagę
  • crucial - kluczowy, niezbędny, istotny, ważny
  • elaborate - złożony, skomplikowany, wymyślny, rozbudowany
  • formidable - budzący grozę
  • indignant - oburzony
  • inexorable - nieubłagany, niepowstrzymany, nieugięty, nieustępliwy  
  • ingenious - pomysłowy
  • irrevocable - bezpowrotny, nieodwołalny
  • mercenary - interesowny, wyrachowany
  • outrageous - oburzający, skandaliczny, bulwersujący, horrendalny
  • preposterous - absurdalny, niedorzeczny, bezsensowny
  • prevalent - przeważający, powszechnie występujący, rozpowszechniony