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Hi [imię koleżanki],

previously you asked me about shopping, I think it's awesome!

I absolutely love shopping, because I can get new things, like clothes. As I always say: "There's never too much clothes!"

I mostly shop in the mall, it's in the center of my city. There's a lot of shops  and things to choose from. Shopping is even better when you invite some friends! Whenever I need something from the mall I call my friends and we're going together.

Yesterday was my mom's birthday and I had to find a good present for her. Once she told me that she loves roses, especially the white and red ones. Luckily there was a flower shop in the shopping mall. I bought her favourite flowers and went back home. I was really nervous but my mom loved my present! She was so happy.



Mam nadzieję, że mniej więcej o to chodziło. W razie ewentualnych błędów proszę pisać w komentarzach. Pozdrawiam! :D