Alien is coming from space to visit you on the earth. Tell them about your school: places and things you use in it. tłómaczenie: Obcy przybywa z kosmosu, aby odwiedzić cię na ziemi. Opowiedz im o swojej szkole: miejscach i rzeczach, których w niej używasz.

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oto tłumaczenie na angielski:

My school is a horrible place where we all are scared because we can have be asked about anything anytime. We also have tests and quizzes every day. However, there are some positives, too. We have a gym where we can relax and get tired during PE classes. We also have a canteen where we can eat, sometimes even a delicious meal. In some classrooms we've got projectors, thanks to which we can have our miserable lessons a bit more attractive. But the best is the playground. We can do there  whatever we want. I love this place.
