Proszę o pomoc!!!
W zdaniach przeczytaj pary zdań. Uzupełnij każdą lukę, tak aby zachować sens zdania wyjściowego. W każdą lukę możesz wpisać maksymalnie cztery wyrazy.
1. the news surprised everyone.
Everyone _____________ by the news.
2. Is this the first time you have been to the skatepark?
____________ been to the skatepark?
3. " I'll ask dad to take us to the match," Phil told me.
phil told me that he ______________ to take us to the match.
4. I was chopping an onion when I started to cry.
I started to cry _____________ I was chopping an onion.
5. Look at this bakery. We buy bread here.
This is the bakery ______________________ bread.