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In our magazine we have interviewed a food critic who works for a national newspaper. Here is what he told us about his job.
1 ___
Well, when I started working as a food critic, I had little idea of the many responsibilities that come with the job. It’s not just going to restaurant to try the food there. You need to have good knowledge of the food industry, have great writing and interpersonal skills, because you also often need to interview restaurant managers and staff.
2 ___
About 10 years ago I was working as a journalist for the local news column. After my holiday in Asia, I wrote a blog about my travels, and especially the food there. My boss liked it a lot and suggested I should be their food critic.
3 ___
I knew the basic things about what a food critic does, so that was a start. But, of course I needed to learn much more, so for a few months I worked with a retired food critic. She really taught me a lot about the different aspects of the job.
4 ___
Probably the biggest one is that you have to keep a low profile. That means you can’t have photos of yourself on social media so that restaurant managers can’t recognise you when you visit their restaurant. And you need to keep an eye on your weight!
A Did you need any extra training for the job?
B What exactly do you do as a food critic?
C What kind of restaurant do you like visiting?
D Are there any disadvantages of the job?
E What advice can you give to restaurant customers?
F How did you become a food critic?

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