Wynajmujesz dwupokojowe mieszkanie w mieście
akademickim. Poszukujesz współlokatora albo
współlokatorki. Rozmawiasz ze studentem z USA,
który jest zainteresowany wspólnym zamieszkaniem.
Poniżej podane są cztery kwestie, które musisz
omówić w rozmowie z egzaminującym.
Sprzątanie mieszkania
Zwierzęta domowe
Urządzenie pokoju
Wysokość i terminy opłat
Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający.

Odpowiedź :

- I'm very pleased that you are interested in sharing my apartment with me. Is it the first time you will be sharing an apartment?
- No, four of us shared a whole house last year but my friends graduated and I need to look for other options.
- Oh, that is great. Living in one apartment is not always easy so I am happy you have already experienced it.
- What do you mean: it's not easy?
- Well, you know, things like cleaning the apartment and keeping it tidy. How did you go about it with your friends in the house?
- We had a schedule for general cleaning and there was a simple rule that everybody had to clean up after themselves.
- Did it work?
- Not always but most of the time.
- So you will not mind if we introduce something similar if we decide to share the apartment?
- No, not at all.
- And keeping the apartment tidy won't be very difficult as we don't have any pets. I mean, I don't have any. Do you?
- Actually I do. I have a small dog. Her name is Sally and I love her. She’s been with me for 6 years now.
- Ouch, that makes things a little bit more complicated because I'm allergic to dogs. Not like very allergic but short hair can be a real problem.
- Then no worries. Sally’s hair is long and she will be in my room anyway.
- Ok , I can try as long as you can promise she'll not go to my room.
- Absolutely!
- I also wanted to ask you about the furniture you need in your room. Do you have any special requests?
- Hmm, let me think… just tell me what there is now.
- There is a big and comfortable bed, a small sofa, one armchair, a desk with a chair, two standing lamps, a few pots with plants and rugs all the floor.
- It sounds great to me. All I would like to ask for is a bookcase and I think you can remove the rugs. It will be easier to keep the room clean. I mean less dog hair.
- I forgot to mention the bookcase. There are actually two in your room and also a wardrobe. And I like the idea of removing the rugs.
Well it looks like we could get along quite well. I would like you to pay one thousand a month at the beginning of each month. Will that be ok with you?
- Oh man, sorry! That's way too much. My budget is 600 plus the water and electricity bills.
- I have already included utilities in the one thousand. And I can go down a bit. What will you say about 800 all in all?
- Let me see the place first and I will tell you.
- Sure, the apartment is just round the corner. Let's go now. Shall we?


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