Rahatjandaulet2viz Rahatjandaulet2viz Język angielski Rozwiązane Modulus of liquid elasticity - … is a negative value of product fluid volume and a ratio of changing pressure to changing volume is a positive value of product fluid volume and a ratio of changing pressure to changing volume is a negative value of product fluid volume and a ratio of changing density to changing volume is a negative value of product fluid pressure and a ratio of changing pressure to changing volume is a negative value of product fluid temperature and a ratio of changing pressure to changing volume What is the compressibility of ideal gases- … 1 2 3 4 5 What is the compressibility of real gases- … Both Z < 1 and Z > 1 Z > 1 Z < 1 Z = 1 Z = 0 Which one of following is true about bulk modulus of elasticity - … it is the ratio of compressive stress to volumetric strain it is the ratio of compressive stress to linear strain it is the ratio of tensile stress to volumetric strain it is the ratio of tensile stress to linear strain it is the product of compressive stress to volumetric strain The value of the Bulk Modulus of elasticity for an incompressible fluid is - … infinity zero very low very much unity Bulk modulus, pressure, force, stress, density – which one of these won’t have the same unit as the others - … force stress pressure density bulk modulus What is the pressure of H2 with compressibility 0.6, molar volume 5 liter/mole at 27oC - … 2,9 atm 14,9 atm 3,5 atm 101,8 atm 5,9999 atm At what temperature, does SO2 with compressibility 2 has pressure 5 atm and molar volume 10 mole/s- … 304,5 K 14,9 K 3,5 K 101,8 K 5,9999 K What is the compressibility factor of water with density 1 g/liter at 27oC and 1 atm- … 0,73 100 15,1 18,7 5,9999 What is the compressibility factor of a liquid of molar mass 90 g and density 10 g/liter at 27oC and 2 atm- … 0,73 15 0,1 0,15 18 What is the pressure of 80 grams of CH4 with compressibility 5, with 10 liter volume at 27oC - … 61,5 atm 100 atm 200 atm 7,1 atm 89,9 atm What is the compressibility of methane with density 10 g/liter at 27oC and 500 atm - … 32,5 333 200 7,1 89,9 How does compressibility depends on density- … directly proportional inversely proportional independent just at special condition no depends on