4 Uzupełnij minidialogi (1-5) wyrazami
w nawiasach, używając czasowników
w odpowiedniej formie.
1 A: I ….
(never/be) to America.

B: Really?
..... (go) there
on holiday last summer.

2 A: What
(retire) last year?

B: I.........
(travel) round
Europe and
my family in Australia.

3 A: Why is Alison upset?

B: She .....
a new dress when she .......
(find/out) we weren't going to the dance

4 A: I........
(not/eat) pizza
since ........
(start) my diet.

B: Well done!
5 A: I.......
(take) your advice
(look) on line
for a new bike.

B: Great! I......
mine online last year and it ...
(save) me a lot of money.