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In the early 1950s, Walt Disney started dreaming of an amusement park where whole families
could have fun. What inspired him? 8. 1. C Soon after receiving it, he started to design
the park.
Its construction began during the summer of 1954 and the plan was to open it just twelve months
later, 8. 2. To watch their progress, Disney built a small apartment on the second floor
of the Fire House, right in the middle of Disneyland's Main Street. 8. 3. Today,
in memory of Walt Disney, the light in his room is always on.
Finally, on July 17, 1955, the park opened to the public. Originally, it had 26 attractions.
8. 4. He said: "Disneyland will never be completed. It will continue to grow. "
Na podstawie: waltsdisneyland. Wordpress. Com
A. The builders had to work 24 hours a day to finish the job on time.
B. Disneyland was visited by 50 million guests in the last ten years.
C. A little girl who wanted to meet Mickey Mouse once wrote a letter to him.
D. Soon, more were added because Disney wanted visitors to return to his park.
E. At night he left a lamp switched on to let the workers know that he was in his flat. ​.